
Investor Outreach ​ is a life management platform designed specifically for individuals. While traditional life management tools are built for teams, recognizes that individuals are power users who require a unique set of features and workflows. was developed to address the list of challenges individuals face when managing various aspects of their lives. From finances and health to work and family, provides an integrated solution to organize, prioritize, and manage life’s tasks and goals. It allows users to connect their Google Calendars, navigate through intuitive tasks, and dedicate time to areas where it matters most.

The Problem was facing a challenge in maintaining the deliverability of its monthly investor newsletter. We have a growing list of approximately 1100 investors who are keen on receiving updates about our progress. However, they ‘’’ve been experiencing issues with the current email dispatch system, QuickMail. The problem lies in ensuring that our emails are successfully delivered without interruption. This involves managing various technical aspects such as domains, DNS, warming up email addresses, and handling blacklists.

The Solution

In response to this challenge, we implemented immediate steps for a short-term solution. Recognizing that deliverability on was superior to QuickMail due to its sender rotation feature, we transitioned our updates from QuickMail to To expand our investor database, we acquired secondary domains, created users on these domains, and warmed them up. We also decided to increase’s investor base by running a double opt-in cold email campaign for prospective investors, inviting them to receive monthly updates. The response was overwhelming, with a significant number of investors opting in for the updates. Currently, we are sending monthly updates to 4,114 investors, achieving open rates of 60-70%.

Takeaways & Results:

Over a span of 8 months, we have successfully maintained an impressive open rate of 60-70% for our investor updates. This is a testament to the effectiveness of our email deliverability strategies and the interest of our investors in our progress. Alleo ai’s investor list has seen a substantial increase, growing from 900 to a robust 4,114. This growth signifies the expanding interest in our product and the success of our outreach efforts. Moreover, the curiosity and engagement of investors have been remarkable, with many scheduling meetings to learn more about This active involvement from investors is a positive indicator of their commitment and interest in our startup’s journey.